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About Alayah 

The Grand Rapids native has been in the industry since the age of fourteen when she began interning at CDA. Since then she has expanded her skillset to include illustrating, graphic designing, layout, and publishing. 


From launching Grand Rapid's first black-owned and female-owned online publishing company to various publishing and designing projects, Alayah has nearly a decade of creative experience. She's been privileged to teach drawing, painting, and entrepreneurial classes/workshops statewide. 

2024   World of Winter Festival "3-DC GRow"
          Produced an engaging, interactive piece that celebrates
          anyone who calls Grand Rapids home. 


2023   World of Winter Festival “Frozen Fun”
          Collaborated with Chris and was featured on 

          Experience GR and FOX 17.

2022   Keynote Speaker & Judge at Kent Innovation High School
          Encouraging future graduates to thrive in their design/art

          business goals as they presented their pitches.


2022   Published and Designed “ABC Affirmations”

          This title was featured on FOX 17 in April.


2021   KidSpeak 2021 - Beyond the Virus

          The City of Grand Rapids featured this project in April.

          Timestamp: 3:12


2021   Published and Designed “GG Forgot My Name”

2020   Published and Designed: “I Can, I Will, I’m A Leader”


2020   Published and Designed: “Guess What I Can Be?” 

          This title was featured on 13 On Your Side 

2020   Virtual Festival of the Arts Regional Exhibition

          Kendall College of Art and Design (Venue)


2019   Festival of the Arts Regional Exhibition (Juried Exhibition)
          Kendall College of Art and Design (Venue)
          “Labradorable” Portrait of Labrador Puppy (Piece Title)


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